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Re: Ctrl+V


Er: Jub fubhyq or zl Xnat?

V'q nffhzr vg jbhyq or na haxabja, n fcnja bs bar bs gur "cbyyhgrq" gvzryvarf, na ragvgl jubfr irel rkvfgnapr vf frys-ershgvat, naq jub fgrcf sebz gvzryvar gb gvzryvar, qenvavat bss gur puebabragebcvp cbgragvny sebz rnpu nf ur geniryf. Gur ragvergl bs uvf rkvfgnapr vf syvtug, rfpncvat rirel gvzryvar fb nf gb cebc hc gur vyyhfvba bs uvf ernyvgl, ol bhgehaavat gur jnirsebag bs uvf naavuvyngvba nf vg cebcntngrf guebhtu zhygvbeqvany Havirefrf ng genaf-yvtugfcrrq.


Orvat sebz n fcyvagrerq, vapbafvfgrag nkvbz frg, ur jbhyq abg unir gb xabj jung ur jnf qbvat; va snpg, gur ernyvmngvba bs jung ur vf qbvat vf gur rirag gung fvtanyf gung uvf veeribpnoyr qvffbyhgvba vf hcba uvz. Pnhfnyvgl jbhyq abg or nzbat uvf cflpubybtvpny znvafgnlf, fvapr ur vf gur yvivat rzobqvzrag bs pnhfnyvgl ivbyngvba. Gb n crefba sebz n znvafgernz, pbaarpgrq gvzryvar, ur pbhyq nccrne uvtuyl punevfzngvp, vasvavgryl raretrgvp, naq veerzrqvnoyl vafnar: punevfzngvp orpnhfr abguvat vf vzcbffvoyr gb uvz, raretrgvp orpnhfr ur qenjf hcba gur uvwnpxrq puebabragebcvp cbgragvny bs zvyyvbaf bs nobegrq gvzryvarf, naq vafnar orpnhfr uvf angher pnaabg yrg uvz pbafvqre n shgher va juvpu gur jbeqf ernfba naq pbafrdhrapr unir zrnavat. Ur xabjf guvatf gung pnaabg or naq arire unir orra, naq gb uvz gubfr ner zber vzcbegnag guna guvatf juvpu ner. Gurersber, gubfr gung ner, be jrer, be jrer fhccbfrq gb pbzr zhfg or qrfgeblrq no vavgvb.


Ubj ur tbrf nobhg qevaxvat n gvzryvar'f puebabragebcvp yvsroybbq orsber ur syrrf gb gur arkg bar vf abg haqrefgbbq, rira ol uvzfrys. Va snpg, vs fbzrbar qbrf tnva gung haqrefgnaqvat orsber gur cebprff vf pbzcyrgr, gung gbb fcryyf gur geniryyre'f svany raq. Ur fcevatf sebz gvzryvar gb gvzryvar, pbafhzvat rnpu'f cbgragvny yvxr n pngrecvyyne rngf n arj-sbezrq yrns, flfgrzngvpnyyl, cvgvyrffyl, naq zvaqyrffyl. Ur vf qribvq bs znyvpr, orpnhfr znyvpr vf n fgngr bs n ersyrpgvir zvaq, naq ur pnaabg ertneq uvzfrys va nal zveebe ybat rabhtu gb creprvir n ersyrpgvba; vs ur qvq, gura vg jbhyq or nccnerag gung gurer vf abguvat erny perngvat gur bevtvany vzntr, naq gur cunfr-fcnpr jnirsebag juvpu ur vf jbhyq vzzrqvngryl pbyyncfr gb mreb. Ur xabjf bayl pbafhzcgvba naq rfpncr, pbafhzcgvba naq rfpncr, naq ur vf qevira ol nowrpg greebe bs gur bayl pregnvagl ur unf: gung ur vf rzcgl naq jvyy bayl pbzr gb anhtug.


Pna lbhe gvzryvar erpbtavmr uvz jura ur neevirf? Be jvyy lbh, gbb, or fhpxrq qel naq lbhe arire-jnf-nyvir cebonovyvgl fgernz qvfpneqrq vagb gur onpxtebhaq bs zrnavatyrff dhnaghz syhpghngvbaf?


Jngpu lbhe enaqbz ahzore trarengbef. Jura gurl nyy tb syng, raqyrffyl ercrngvat gur fnzr erfhyg, gura lbhe gvzryvar unf pbyyncfrq gb mreb puebabragebcvp cbgragvny. Guvf vf gur jnl gur jbeyq raqf.


Hmm. "Neevirf" has potential.

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Re: Ctrl+V


With great deference, since you ask my opinion, yes, I find it disgusting. Our forefathers have always known whom they killed or who defeated them. That's bushido, our way, the Way of the Warrior, the way of a true samurai. The better man victorious, neh? But now this? How do you prove your valor to your lord? How can he reward courage? To charge bullets is brave, yes, but also stupid. Where's the valor in that? Guns are against our samurai code.

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Re: Ctrl+V


This instance of GM slapping occured near the onset of a "half-dragon campaign" in D&D 3e my friends and I were playing the summer after we graduated from high school. We were all going off to college and wouldn't see each other for 6 months or so, so we decided to do it up right--namely with a big-ass campaign in which we played half-dragons and took on cults and dracoliches and all sorts of evilness to save the world.


Well, we had been playing for a few weeks off and on when the DM picked up one of those little three-dollar adventures published by AEG . . . which totally suck, but we weren't aware of that at the time. The party (consisting of a cleric (half blue dragon), fighter (half red dragon) and sorcerer (half gold dragon)), ends up staying in a rather small town just about the time that a string of ritualistic murders start cropping up, and being the good-aligned Heros that we were, we decided to investigate and try to help.


Well, there was some old half-elf guy that lived in a run-down castle/manor on the edge of town who had some sort of knowledge of the occult, and we found out some how or the other that all of the murders were leading up to the summoning of this demi-god of waste and filth named Urnial or something. I can't remember exactly what its name was, but we ended up calling it "Urinal"--Yes, it was the god of shit, and its name sounded like Urinal--which was fiendishly hilarious to us, at the time (and still is).


So, the old elf dude gives us these two swords, saying that these knights of whatever kind of blade it was (can't remember) once long ago banished Urinal from the mortal realm and that only these swords can harm him. He also said that the ritual to summon Urinal required 7 ritual murders, 5 of which had already taken place.


That night, the sixth one happens, and we go back to the half-elf to see if he can shed any more light on the subject. When he opens the door, he starts laughing maniacally, talking about how he is going to summon his dark god and there's nothing we can do to stop him. He produces a knife and proceeds to slit his own throat, thereby completing the seventh sacrifice.


A huge mound of shit rises up from a portal in the ground and proclaims that he is the dread lord Urinal and that he will destroy all mortals who don't bow down to him . . . at which point the PCs predictably say "F that" and attack him. After a lengthy battle, the day is finally won, and Lord Urinal has been reduced to a normal pile of shit instead of the demonically animated version.


We were celebrating and looting the half-elf's manor when I stopped everyone. "Hey, wait a second," I said. "If the half-elf was trying to summon the shit god, and the swords were the only way to destroy him . . . why the hell did he give them to us in the first place?"


A brief silence ensued, at the end of which, the DM slapped himself.


In the end, we decided that it wasn't really the DM's fault. He just picked out a shitty module. (and yes, that pun was definitely intended!)

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Re: Ctrl+V


On the Lessons page is a file of drill problems (with answers) for practicing with the dot product. There are two dozen problems there. If you'd like more, shoot me an email and I can whip up lots more and send them to you.

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